20 Stock Market Terminologies and terms :
hello all let
the most important thing is there is a lot of terminologies in stock market
which is investor and trader must and should know because there is a lot of
misunderstanding and confusion with the market in day to day life every
investor and trader should know the market terms as follows

20 Stock Market Terminologies and
Terms :
the delivery is
a key term when we buy a share and hold it after one day it is called delivery
it turns into holdings and it doesn't matter how long u hold whether u will
sell the share after one day, after week and one 6 months its totally
your choice the thumb rule after buying the share we hold for one day it is
Bull Market :
the bull market
and bullish trend both are same in generally bull market defines when the
market is going high in a profitable manner and the share prices of the stocks
are raising the term defines when the market is high then we say its bull
Bear Market:
the bear market
and the bearish trend is both are same when the market is continuously falling
down when the share prices are decreasing then its called bear market
Bid Price:
the bid price
is nothing but the maximum buyers are willing to buy the shares the buyers are
accepted to buy the share its bid price
Ask Price:
ask price is
sellers are willing and accepted to receive to sell the shares
Bid and Ask Spread:
the difference
between bid-ask the highest price of buyers willing to buy the shares and the
lowest price of sellers willing to sell their shares
Limit Order:
the order
placed by when you buy/sell a share price within a limit price then you place a
limit order, for example, the market price of a share is 100rs then you place
an order of Rs 98 the order will execute when the price falls 98rs of market
Market order:
the market is
nothing but when you buy/sell a share at market price, for example, the market
price of a share is rs 200 if your willing to buy and sell a share in market
price when u place an order and it will execute a market price
GTC means goods
till cancellation means the investor and trader places an order at a specific
price if it's not executed or active the order will cancelled
Day Order:
If you buy/sell
a share on a particular day at a particular price if it doesn't activate or
executed on that day it is a day order
IPO means the
initial public offering when the company enters into the stock market to raise
their capital they offer the share into IPO's
Primary Market:
primary market
is also known as an IPO's the company enters into the directly selling the
shares to the public without subsidiaries the IPO is the first time the stock
of a company is offered to the public the most of the IPO's are young and
smaller companies will issue the shares to raise the funds
Secondary Market:
a secondary
market is a place where the buyers and sellers exchange their ownership based
on company past and future
Market Capitalization:
capitalization and market cap both are same words it refers to the total share
of the company and the market value of the shares and multiples the shares
value then the total market price of the share will define
Trade Volume:
the trading
volume is the total shares trading in the stock market of a particular company
Blue Chip Stocks:
stocks mean the stock is running in a market in long-term and the fundamentals
of the company are very strong and high potential its track record is very good
performance those are blue-chip stocks
The brokers are
institutional or individual who is registered with the SEBI or Nse/Bse they are
the mediators to public and company
Stock Exchanges:
stock exchanges
are like a fish market where the buyers and sellers connect to do their
transactions there are two main stock exchanges in India Bombay stock exchange
and national stock exchange
the portfolio
is nothing but has a different kind of stocks we holding the portfolio is
grouping all the stocks in holdings
dividend means
who are holding a stock for long-term then the company gives some percentage of
profit to the shareholder apart of the holders' shares. the company may or may
not give a dividend because of their internal issues
Index :
before going to
know the index we cant identify each and every share in the stock market
because 5500 + companies listed in the stock market so that the index is
fixed to identify the market performance in day to day the index is calculated
the weightage of the share market the BSE index is top 30 companies in India
and the NSE indicates top 50 companies in India
Market Value:
market value
means the present value of the share in the market is trading
Book Value:
the book value
is when the company enters into the market the stock exchange decided and
evaluated the company assets and liabilities and fixed the value per share is
known as book value
means the share price of a company how fast moving up and down of a stock
prices moves
Good and very enjoyable and great of collection and good of information and great of hard work.
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